ESG Planning
Good ESG Planning is the cornerstone of ESG governance and success. The five pillars of ESG include understanding your stakeholder needs and expectations; ensuring your operational impacts are fully identified; assuring compliance with regulations and industry best practices; and developing a corporate culture where all personnel are involved in risk management and opportunity identification. ESG Management Solutions have extensive experience in all five pillars.
ESG Governance
ESG Management Solutions work with organizations that value and pursue sustainability in their planning, management and operations. In an ESG management framework, your governance models, structure, policy and goals are influenced by your stakeholders, business opportunities and risks, resulting in a strengthened focus on maximizing economic, environmental and social performance. We help you establish the most appropriate governance model for your business.
ESG Support
The implementation of ESG policy, goals and plans involves the support of your entire organization. ESG top performers have made sustainability everyone’s business. Helping you develop training and awareness programs; internal and external communication strategies; processes and procedures for assurance of compliance; and emergency preparedness is what we do.
Performance Evaluation
ESG Management Solutions personnel have collective experience in auditing and assessing against World Bank, IFC, UN, CIDA, ISO, OHSAS, ICS, SAI, SASB, GRI, VPSHR and numerous industry best practices and standards. We help with ESG/Sustainability reporting, CDP reporting and rating agency reviews. We also can help you ensure that your next ESG ratings will meet the needs of your organization and the expectations of your stakeholders.